Jo Nijs is full professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium), physiotherapist/manual therapist at the University Hospital Brussels, and Visiting Professor at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Jo runs the Pain in Motion international and interdisciplinary research group ( The primary aim of his research is improving care for patients with chronic pain. At the age of 48, he has (co-)authored >330 peer reviewed publications (including first author papers in The Lancet and The Lancet Rheumatology (2x), and a senior author paper in JAMA Neurology), obtained €17 million grant income, supervised 28 PhD’s to completion and served 381 times as an invited speaker at meetings in 31 countries (including 43 keynotes). He trained 4k clinicians in >100 courses held in 14 countries spread over 4 continents. His work has been cited 13k times (h-index: 65), with 35 citations per article (ISI Web of Knowledge). Jo is ranked 2nd in the world among chronic pain researchers (1st in Europe), and 3rd in the world among musculoskeletal pain researchers (, and received the 2020 Francqui Collen Chair awarded by the University of Hasselt, Belgium. Website: