Short biography: Camilla Refice graduated in physiotherapy cum laude in 2012 from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy). She continued her training with honors by obtaining a 1st level university master’s Degree in Global Postural Reeducation and Rehabilitation of the hand and upper limb. Since 2021 she has collaborated with Centro Mano Roma as a hand and posture therapist, dedicating particular attention to the problems of musicians. Together with Dr. Sabrina Centaro she teaches and organizes theoretical-practical masterclasses on the prevention and treatment of hand and posture pathologies in instrumentalists at music conservatories which she also teaches at the 1st Level Master in Rehabilitation of the hand and upper limb at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She also performed musical studies, obtaining a diploma playing the flute (2005) and teaches the course Techniques of Awareness and Bodily Expression at the Licinio Refice Conservatory of Music in Frosinone (Italy). She has published the article “Global Postural Reeducation and Migraine: a pilot-study” in the international specialist journal “The Journal of Headache and Pain” and participated as a speaker at the 1st Italian Neurological Association for Headache Research - Italian Society for the Study of Headaches (ANIRCEF-SISC) National Congress at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche in Rome (Italy). The experimental studywas presented at the VIII International Congress of RPG and Manual Therapies at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid (Spain). In October 2024, she participated as a speaker at the meeting of European Society for the Cognitive Science Of Music (ESCOM) in Italy, where she gave a lecture about the research study she conducted together with Sabrina Centaro titled “Neuromotor reeducation of Overuse and Misuse Syndrome in classical guitarist by therapeutic proposal and custom-made splints: case report”.